There are plenty of times where it’s wise to file a dispute with your credit card company, bank, or PayPal, such as when you find a fraudulent charge on your statement. However, it’s always best to first reach out to the merchant directly.
Most concerns with Sage Goddess can be more easily and quickly addressed by contacting our support team directly. In fact, filing a dispute with the payment provider may cause a delay in your desired outcome, since disputes can often take several weeks to resolve.
For example, if you file a dispute because your package hasn’t shipped, Sage Goddess is then unable to ship your package until the dispute is resolved. Thus, the extra days it takes for the bank to review your and our submissions can further delay your shipment. And, again, the banks can often take weeks to review and resolve a concern.
Sage Goddess prides itself on having a 99.9% customer satisfaction rate for its customer service team, so you’re best bet is always to reach out to us first so we can make your customer support experience the best it can possibly be without any further hassle and delays.
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